
Giving You Your Daily Dose Of Porn


The Coopersmith article was an article that expressed what he felt starts technology.  He feels that pornography was the reason that new technologies are created and is credited with shaping society as we know it today.  I feel the same as he does.  Coopersmith has countless stats to back up what he feels about.  He says that the pornography industry is one of the few in the world to still make a profit and have a steady percentage of internet sales.  He says that it all started with the printing press to the VCR, to now the internet.  He more or less gave a timeline on new technologies and how they are related to porn. 

The VCR was his first main technology discussed.  The VCR allowed the “shameful” feelings of watching porn, to be in the comfort of your own household.  You didn’t have to go down to a theatre and seek what you’re interested in seeing.  Now, the privacy was at an all time high and the sales of porn on video, sky-rocketed and laid the path for an increase of VCRs.  This ultimately shaped our society from watching movies to even education both at home and in school.  From this stemmed the “Do-It-Yourself” (DIY) porn, with the addition of camcorders.  Now, anybody willing to, can become a producer and make their own private movies.  They could sell them for a profit, or just keep it for themselves.  Soon, video stores would begin selling these DIYs and making more money and it became an important part of the porn industry.  These videos often cost less than professional made videos, so more people were willing to purchase them.  In the late 1970’s, it was estimated that over half of the videos were pornographic.  That’s an unavoidable stat and thus did shape our economy and society.

Now, with the addition of the internet, porn has taken another shift in shaping our society.  The internet provides users with the same privacy, of porn, as the VCRs do, but with an increased amount of availability and choice like never before.  Such things as CD-ROM, video games, links and interactive activities, porn was growing with the internet and re-shaping it.  With the amount of money invested, the porn companies are seeking better ways to reach and serve their customers.  These new technologies will allow other industries, like educational services, to use what the porn industry has come up with to better our society.  

Porn has shaped our society in ways that we don’t even know.  We don’t know because we are uneducated and just the topic alone is enough to scare people away.  We need to stop being so ashamed and shy, and start to see what they have learned to better our selves and society for the future. 

January 28, 2006 Posted by | Uncategorized | Leave a comment


I know it, when I see it – Potter Stewart
Is this really the best way to sum up what pornography is?  Surely, it’s defined better somewhere and can be understood and accepted through tests, right?  Wrong and here are what Ohio justices came up with in an early pornography case. (not sure on some of the spellings, sorry)
Byron White that anything that involved insertion or had oral sex is pornography.  He said that just seeing naked people is ok.
I do agree with this one in that people can easily argue that naked people can just be art, but depending on how that naked people are acting or posing, could constitute more sexual things.
Brennan came up with what was coined the “limp dick” test.  He said that anything involving an erection could be considered pornography with oral sex being allowed.
This, I feel, is a little more off the wall than that of Mr. White.  Oral sex, in my mind, is without doubt pornography, once you’re viewing it.  I do feel an erection is a key factor in pornography, but not a defining line.
Potter Stewart had what was known as the “Casablanca” test.  He believed that pornography is determined by community standards.  Not that of each individual community, but society as a whole.  Potter was a ship captain and claims to have seen all there was to see of “porn”, and says that if he would allow his crewmen to view it, than it’s not porn.
Fare enough Mr. Potter, but this once again is just a generalization of what pornography is and doesn’t set a standard as to what it is.  This is just another person’s views on what it porn is to them, and can be attributed to the person’s economical, social, and educational up bringing.
In conclusion, the best definition in these lectures was by the T.A. Matthew Schwartz.  He says that you can’t really ever fully define what porn is, that it differs from person to person.  I can go along with that, but do feel that guidelines have to be set for legal reasons, just that reasonable age limits need to be set and perhaps more education in our schools as we grow up.

January 26, 2006 Posted by | Uncategorized | Leave a comment

I Know it, and I see it

This blog really got me interested in more defintions Listening to the lectures you can imagine how to define pornography is so difficult.  It takes time, consideration, the gathering of facts, and personal views.  I really do believe that to define something means explain something so that it makes sense.  But who does it make sense too?  Obviously at the time, it’s just yourself, but for it to be widely accepted you need to clarify what exactly it is in order for others to go with the flow.  I enjoy listening to what others have to say or define, but everybody has a different view and feelings.  I do believe it is based on economy, religion, and social environment.  Here are some ways I’d define the vocal words related to pornography… 

Obscenity – something that could pose as a threat to a society in which violence, pain or fear is being inflicted on the viewer.  Also, anything that I wouldn’t show or do in front of my mom 

By this I’m just trying to get across how obscenity is more or less up to the individual and how they were raised and what experiences they have had in their lives.  Probably would be difficult to understand in a court of law, just as in the case in Ohio with the viewing and arresting in the past. 

Harmful to minors – anything that involves violence, gore or the use of force that promotes others to act accordingly 

This is perhaps the most influential factor in the study of legal issues and pornography.  How to you specify what is right and wrong.  I do feel there is an age in which you need to be educated, but it has to be done in intervals.  Obviously, a first grader is too young to view sex, but a 5th grader (which I was when I had my first sexual education class) should slowly start to learn more and more.  I had that class in 5th, and nothing else until 10th.  I do agree with the blogs, in that most people do encounter sexual activity before the age of 18, and weren’t educated enough prior.  Take Europe for example in that they are more open and educated about sex and it’s not a big deal.  They also do this with alcohol and are brought up more wisely on drinking maturely.  

So all in all, I feel the lack of education in our society results in us just saying… I know it when I see it. (Stewart, 1964) 

January 25, 2006 Posted by | Uncategorized | 1 Comment

Virgin Blogger

Well this is my first blog and not sure how I’m going to like this.  I’m 23 years old and am attending the University at Buffalo.  I’m a senior Communication major and will be graduating after this semester.  Right now, I’m currently employed as a deputy sheriff and a volunteer firefighter.  Both of these, as well as school, keep me very busy.  In the fire hall, I specialize in swift water rescue, which I enjoy due to the extra training you get that’s usually out of town!  I really do enjoy being involved in the community through the fire department, and making a difference.  When I do have free time, I’m playing softball or baseball. In the winter, I play indoors, and in the summer I play in several bar leagues to go along with volleyball and flag football.  I never like to be bored so I’ll always try to find something to do, even if it’s just sitting home with my girlfriend.  Well, I’m no longer a virgin, thanks for being there with me for my 1st time.

January 18, 2006 Posted by | Uncategorized | 1 Comment

Hello world!

Welcome to This is your first post. Edit or delete it and start blogging!

January 18, 2006 Posted by | Uncategorized | 1 Comment